Entrepreneur School with Kelly Sinclair: Building your Brand & Marketing your Business

https://youtu.be/GnnZpNe2y_w Today Kelly Sinclair of KS & Co. and Entrepreneur School discusses creating visibility for your business, your brand and your purpose. Whether your small business has existed for years, or just recently started up, effective marketing strategies are essential for success. Customers need to know about your business in order to interact with you. […]
Entrepreneur School with Anna Huff: The Profitable Content Formula

This week in Entrepreneur School, our wonderful guest is Anna Huff, founder of Midwest Social Creative. Anna helps entrepreneurs establish presence and authority online through their content.
Build Your Brand Vision Workshop

April 13, 2022 | 1-4pm Calling all passionate entrepreneurs! You have a constant swirl of ideas in your head, but have you ever sat down to organize those thoughts so they collectively support a big vision you’re connected to and excited about? It’s time to create your brand vision. It’s never too late! You can […]