Dear service-based entrepreneur who wants to create consistent income but doesn’t have a large or engaged audience yet:

What if you could attract your dream clients on repeat without relying on social media, following platform trends or churning out content on the daily?

Would you be willing to spend 10 minutes a day getting more visible so that you can confidently become the go-to brand in your field?

Real talk…

Why do you think you haven’t been able to grow an audience and stay consistent with showing up to promote your business?

Option A: I feel like I should be posting more on social media so that I can be seen, but it’s exhausting so I lose my momentum quickly.

Option B: Marketing is not my expertise, so I don’t know where to focus for the best ROI. 

Option C: The idea of promoting myself makes my palms sweat.


The truth is: if you don’t promote yourself, you won’t build an audience and you won’t have anyone to buy from you.

So, unless you commit to consistent, relationship-based visibility, and unlock a customized formula for building your brand as a the “go-to” in your field, you will continue to feel like your marketing efforts are taking you one step forward and two steps back  – or worse – keeping you the best kept secret in your industry where you’re not able to make an impact with your expertise.

As a serviced-based entrepreneur who is incredibly competent in your craft, shouldn’t you be able to confidently share about who you are and what you do?

you deserve to be well known!

  • You have a gift that needs to be shared
  • There are people who desperately need what you have to offer
  • Your potential to make an impact in the world is unlimited!

And so it is your DUTY to become your biggest ambassador and put yourself out there so that your people can benefit from what you do.

Let’s be real…

You aren’t looking to add thousands of Instagram followers every week or to *actually* become Taylor Swift-level famous.


You just want to make an impact on the people you know you can help by fulfilling your brand’s mission and sharing your skills and expertise.


You want to become well-known for what you do so that you get to do more of what you’re passionate about!


You want a business that lights you up, with clients you love and who flow to you – AND you’re not interested in burning yourself out trying to be everywhere ALL THE TIME.

But you have to step out from behind the curtain and into the spotlight!

If you don’t talk about your business, you don’t have a business. Building an audience is the only way you will create a reputation for yourself and find clients to work with.

You don’t have to be a professional marketer or hire a marketing company to get your name out there. Most of my clients tell me they’re “not marketers” or “not good at marketing” before we start working together.

It’s possible to become well-known without engaging in marketing strategies that make you want to pull your hair out! Not social media savvy? No problem! There are so many other ways to reach and connect with your potential clients.

In 15 years of working in PR and marketing, I’ve never written the same plan twice!

Your Visibility Tour needs to be customized to your strengths and your unique business.

Good news:

I’ve built the blueprint for your customized Visibility tour that will take you from “never heard of her” to “you have to meet (your name)” for your industry! 

Here are 3 Absolute Lies you MUST let go of right now…

if you want to build a brand as THE go-to expert in your field, create a steady stream of ideal clients, and experience more consistency in the next 8 weeks than you did all of last year

“I’m not ready for visibility yet. I need _____ first”

Actually, visibility isn’t a reward, it’s a tool.

It’s not something you get after you’ve achieved a number of other things. Imagine if an author didn’t go on a book tour because they hadn’t sold enough copies of their book! The whole point of the tour is to get visibility and awareness so that they can make sales!

“Social media doesn’t work. I’ve tried creating content and all I get is crickets.”

Social media is only part of the puzzle when it comes to gaining visibility and building an audience. Let’s flip the script and start thinking about using social media for relationships and as a secondary place for people to connect and learn more once they discover you through other mediums.

“There are so many other people who do what I do. How can I really stand out as the go-to expert?"

While it’s true that there’s no such thing as a truly new idea, you’re overlooking the ONE thing that makes you stand out from the crowd no matter what: you’re you. 😍

This is the most important factor of your brand. You have your own unique experience, story and perspectives; All of which shape the way you bring your skills to the table and the amazing, one-of-a-kind experience you can create for your clients! And it’s time for you to own it!

Imagine if…

Daaaaamn – sounds good, right?

So how do you make this happen?

glad you asked!

The most effective way to build your audience and establish yourself as the “go-to” in your industry, is with the Visibility Tour Method.

Technology has afforded us countless options when it comes to the way we can promote our businesses.

But the sheer amount of platforms and tactics out there causes marketing overwhelm, resulting in jumping from one strategy to another and ultimately being inconsistent. 

A waste of time and energy.

But what if we looked at visibility NOT as a box we need to check off, but as the key to creating a sustainable flow of clients that allow us to do what we are most passionate about and even get paid for it?

And what if…
You as the business owner could feel empowered to step into the spotlight, promote yourself and build your brand as top in its class?

Marketing is a learned skill. Visibility is a priority. And you are the secret sauce behind it all!


A bespoke visibility strategy and implementation plan for service-based entrepreneurs to consistently grow an audience of dream clients and become the go-to brand in your space.

(because you are a BadA$$ at what you do and more people need your gifts!)


Your complete support system for designing and implementing a bespoke Visibility Tour that aligns with your strengths, doesn’t rely on social media, and attracts your dream clients on repeat.

You’ll love The Visibility Revolution as much as your fav Taylor Swift song if:

You want to become the go-to in your field by sharing your expertise as a service-provider, consultant, course creator, coach or speaker.

I will confidently tell you I’ve cracked the code on a framework that will work for your unique business.

Here’s the backstage pass to how this program works:

Imagine a digital course and a challenge had a baby. That’s TVR.

Build your visibility assets while taking action and getting results in this 8-week sprint!


  • Bite-sized training, delivered one step at a time, so that you can implement and build your visibility assets without overwhelm in just 8 weeks.  I’ll walk you through building your Visibility Tour and all of the pieces you need to:
    • create effective content
    • capture leads (aka start and grow an email list)
    • systematize your visibility (I’ve got your back for simple tech solutions)
    • and measure results so you can easily rinse and repeat in the future. 
  • A weekly visibility challenge you can knock out in around 10 min/day to build your momentum and start seeing results quickly. Like a fitness challenge (without the burpees), you’ll implement 3-5 simple actions each week that will move the needle in your biz. 
  • An extensive Visibility Toolkit with my top tools, templates and systems to keep you organized and simplify your visibility.
  • A community space for asking questions and getting feedback.



🥳️A customized Visibility Plan tailored to your strengths that you can use on repeat to attract your dream clients

🥳️A new lead magnet to build your email list with ease

🥳️A personalized file of visibility tools at your fingertips (your bio, headshot, company overview, etc.)

🥳️A repeatable system for creating content that doesn’t take you hours a week

🥳️A cheatsheet of tech to simplify your visibility expansion

Ok, now that you’re all excited, let’s make sure we vibe!

Hey, I’m Kelly!

When I’m not running my two girls around to hockey and gymnastics practice, I’m a Visibility Coach and your Fairy Brand-Mother. Also an award-winning marketer and brand strategist (no big deal *hair flip*).


I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2017 following a career in PR, where I climbed that corporate ladder for over 10 years.


Fast forward to now → There’s nothing I love more than being in charge of my own schedule (cuz kids get home from school at 2:30 and have activities at 4 – WTF?)


I lost my mum to breast cancer in 2017, and that triggered a deep awareness of how short life really is. Time is precious, so therefore work must be a source of joy, not drain.


And when I decided to start my business, I knew I wanted to support other entrepreneurs who are passionate about what they do, but just don’t know how to promote themselves in a way that translates into leads, clients and money.


It’s taken years of trial and error to figure out the best way to stand out in a saturated online space, and what it comes down to is building an authentic brand (and I don’t use that buzz word lightly).


So, if you’re this far down the page, then I feel like we click, and I’d love to support you in growing your brand and getting MASSIVE VISIBILITY so you can make your passion-based business an epic success!

Unlock a Simple 3-Part Visibility Plan You Can Easily Recommit to, That Builds an Audience of Ideal Clients Without Relying on Social Media!

bring it on!

This program is designed to help service providers and coaches (with online or offline businesses) build a repeatable visibility plan that consistently brings in hyper-targeted leads so you can grow your audience faster.
"This program has profoundly transformed my perspective. As an emerging entrepreneur, I encountered challenges in effectively marketing my new venture.

Fearing reliance solely on social media for business growth, I sought alternative approaches.

TVR clearly explains how social media and various online resources can serve as invaluable assets rather than limitations. Equipped with these tools, my confidence as a business owner has soared, as I've come to appreciate that reframing my approach to business promotion fosters adaptability and sustained growth. Gratitude abounds for the invaluable insights and guidance Kelly provided!"
Laura Robb
Founder & Landscape Architectural Technologist, Beauty Through Nature Landscape Design

Let’s recap everything that comes with The Visibility Revolution

your bff for getting visible af!

bite-sized On-demand training to boost your visibility ($1,497 Value)

Delivered one step at a time, so that you can implement and build your visibility assets without overwhelm in just 8 weeks.

Weekly Visibility Challenges ($997 VALUE)

You can knock these out in around 10 min/day to build your momentum and start seeing results quickly.

Visibility toolkit ($497 Value)

My top tools, templates and systems that I actually use in my own business to keep you organized and simplify your visibility.

support community ($297 VALUE)

Q&A support plus a community of other business owners to work through the program together.


Done-For-you custom visibility roadmap - value $1,497

Receive a customized and simple-to-implement plan made just for you and your unique business. Made personally by Kelly, a communications professional with over 15 years experience. Unlock the strategies that will work best for your business so you can skip the guess work.

Weekly(ish) live group accountability calls - value $997

These (almost) weekly calls are designed for you to Get Ish Done! Show up for 30 minutes each Monday morning and knock one or more items off your visibility to-do list! Watch your momentum skyrocket! *Starting in June 2024, you get access for the remainder of 2024!

The Visibility Vault - value $297

My personal collection of where I search for opportunities to promote myself that have led to securing podcast appearances, guest trainings, speaking opportunities and collaborations that have more than doubled my email list (in under 60 days!)

time sensitive bonus expiring march 15!

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

That's over $6,000 of value!

flexible payment options

Payment Plans

Here to help your cash flow!
JUST 2x $375 USD
  • Save $247 until Oct.3, 2023
  • 2xBONUS group Q&A calls
  • BONUS access to The Visibility Vault

Pay in Full

Best value!
  • Save $300 until Oct.3, 2023
  • 2xBONUS group Q&A calls
  • BONUS access to The Visibility Vault

Payment Plans

4 monthly payments
$277 x 4 months USD
  • 8 week self-study curriculum
  • Weekly visibility challenges
  • The Visibility Toolkit
  • BONUS Done-For-You Visibility Roadmap (Value $1,497)
  • BONUS Weekly Accountability Group Calls for the rest of 2024! (Value $997)
  • BONUS access to The Visibility Vault (Value $297)

Pay in Full

Save 12%
  • 8 week self-study curriculum
  • Weekly visibility challenges
  • The Visibility Toolkit
  • BONUS Done-For-You Visibility Roadmap (Value $1,497)
  • BONUS Weekly Accountability Group Calls for the rest of 2024! (Value $997)
  • BONUS access to The Visibility Vault (Value $297)

Here's the week by week plan:

Determine your core theme based on the offer you want to promote.

Start your visibility action challenge!

Map out different ways to talk about your topic that builds awareness and interest with your ideal audience. Access The Simplified Content System to plot when, where and what you’ll be sharing.

*continue your visibility challenge

In under a week you will build a new resource (with the help of AI) to add value to your audience and start building your email list!

*continue your visibility challenge

Push yourself out of your comfort zone by taking on a new and more challenging visibility strategy. Think live video, podcast guesting or maybe even media pitching!

*continue your visibility challenge

Now that you have started collecting opportunities, you need a set of materials at your fingertips to make it easier to continue growing your visibility. Examples include: your bio, headshot, description of your lead magnet. You’ll get access to your checklist and templates to keep everything a click away!

*continue your visibility challenge

All of this visibility simply can’t live in your head! Learn my best practices for tracking, following-up and leveraging your visibility!

*continue your visibility challenge (yes, still doing this!)

Because life happens and we want to make sure you have time to finish up any of the pieces you might not have gotten to yet. 

*continue your visibility challenge (5x/week now!)

Learn how to track your results, share your wins and use that momentum to skyrocket your business!

*continue your visibility challenge (it’s a habit now, really!)


Real entrepreneurs sharing their feedback

Play Video

“I can’t sing my praises enough! The transformation was huge and I’m so grateful for the journey. I highly recommend Kelly and any coaching program that she has to offer. If you get to work with her 1-1, count yourself lucky!” 

 – Chelsea K

Stacey shares about taking a simple action (like the ones I share in this program) and how it struck up work with a previous client for her!


When do I get access to the program?

You get immediate access to the first week of material.  I’ll send you a confirmation email with the link to your private course space so you can create your account. Then, it will drip out one week at a time over 8 weeks.

How long can I keep access to the program?

Forever! Plus, you get any updates I make as this program evolves over time.

What is the challenge part all about?

Every week, you’ll be challenged to take 3-5 visibility actions (from my list of more than 30 proven strategies). This helps you to build momentum and create results faster.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this?

I know you’re busy! That’s why I designed this program to fit into your schedule easily. The challenge component will take less than 10 min/day. Some weeks there is additional training and homework that could take up to 2 hours, but there is lots of implementation and catch up time built in.

Do you have a guarantee?

What I guarantee is that when you show up and do the work, you will see results! And I’m willing to give you 30 days to try it out. Within 30 days from purchase, if you’re not satisfied with your results, you can get a refund. All I ask is that you show me you did the work from the program.

What if I have more questions?

I’m here for you! Just shoot me an email at or DM on IG and we can chat!

Money back promise

for action takers

Within 30 days from purchase, if you’re not satisfied with your results, you can get a refund. Show me you have consumed all the content, done the worksheets and completed the visibility challenges.