Ready to Grow Your Audience Full of Ideal Clients? Let’s Build Your Visibility Plan Together!

Join the Brand Visibility Accelerator: A custom plan, step-by-step support, and everything you need to attract your dream clients on repeat!

Real talk…

Visibility is Non-Negotiable

If people don’t know about your business, you can’t make sales. Also read: you won’t be able to make the impact you want with your business.

Visibility is the first step in the sales cycle.

Visibility → Audience growth → Leads → Sales

But what kind of visibility is best to ultimately increase your sales?

KS & co

Here’s the thing…

Visibility for the sake of visibility is not going to get you clients.

If that were the case, a billboard in Times Square would work for everyone.

You need intentional visibility that is targeted at exactly the right people who need you.

It’s all about creating the right plan that fits your unique business, audience and goals.

This could be you in 90 days

There is no one-size-fits all approach for visibility. It needs to align with your strengths and fit into your schedule. 

It’s time to step into the spotlight, if you want to build a brand as THE go-to expert in your field, create a steady stream of ideal clients, and experience more consistency in the next 3 months than you did all of last year!

Here’s how…

Picture yourself…

Podcast Guesting

Future You: You’re the go-to expert. People are reaching out for interviews, and you’re building relationships with top players in your space.

Visibility Path: Guesting on the right podcasts puts your story in front of ideal clients and positions you as an authority, boosting credibility and generating leads.

getting Media Features

Future You: Your name is in Forbes or Entrepreneur or maybe even just the local paper. You’re recognized as a thought leader, and high-profile opportunities are coming your way.

Visibility Path: Strategic media placements in respected publications establish you as an expert and open doors to partnerships, speaking gigs, and more.

Speaking on Stages

Future You: You’re confidently speaking on stages, inspiring audiences, and connecting with high-level peers who see you as a leader.

Visibility Path: Whether virtual or in-person, summit speaking opportunities put you in front of engaged audiences and spark meaningful collaborations.

landing Collaborations & Partnerships

Future You: You’ve built a business powered by strong partnerships. Co-creating with other leaders is your norm, and new opportunities keep flowing.

Visibility Path: Strategic collaborations expand your reach and build trust with new audiences, all while attracting high-quality leads and opportunities.

rocking In-Person Events

Future You: You bring together amazing groups of people to learn from you and each other. Your brand is known for delivering value, and more doors are opening for you every day.

Visibility Path: Hosting or attending live events creates lasting relationships with your audience, fueling your brand growth for the long-term.

Stop Guessing How to Make Your Business Stand Out!

Let’s do it together!


In 15+ years of working with Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations and small businesses across dozens of industries, I’ve never written the same marketing plan twice.

Maybe you’re amazing at podcasting.

Maybe you love being at live events.

Probably you’re tired of social media and don’t want to rely on some dude in Silicon Valley’s platforms to find your clients. 

No matter where you want to be, we will map out a visibility plan that’s aligned with your goals, helping you get noticed by the right people.

In a matter of 90 days, you’ll have not just visibility, but the confidence, clarity, and momentum to keep your brand thriving.

pop the prosecco
I've got big news!

I’ve built the blueprint for your customized visibility strategy!

So you can go from feeling like you’re hustling for clients to having a steady flow of dream clients waiting to work with you!


Finally - a visibility plan that works for you! Build and implement your custom visibility strategy alongside other service-based entrepreneurs ready to stand out as the go-to in their space.

(because you are a BadA$$ at what you do and more people need your gifts!)


Your complete support system for designing and implementing a bespoke Visibility strategy that aligns with your strengths, doesn’t rely on social media, and attracts your dream clients on repeat.

You’ll love the Brand Visibility Accelerator as much as your favourite pair of leggings if:

You want to become the go-to in your field by sharing your expertise as a service-provider, consultant, course creator, coach or speaker.

I can confidently say I’ve cracked the code on visibility, how to make it work for your specific business AND how to actually take action instead of staying stuck.

Here’s the scoop on how this program works

BVA is the best of both worlds. 1-1 support AND a group implementation container.

Think of it as a 90-day sprint.


  • A Custom Visibility Strategy: A private strategy session with a professional visibility coach and brand strategist (hi, it’s me) following which I deliver you a plan that fits your goals, strengths, and schedule. Sit back and sip your PSL – I got you!
  • Group Implementation Support: 90 days of accountability and community, including weekly calls (3x/month) and group chat. Practice your pitches, find collab partners and fine tune your visibility materials.
  • Visibility Toolbox: Templates, tools, and resources for everything visibility-related. You get everything I personally use to find, land and track visibility opportunities.
  • Visibility Amplification: Bonus opportunities to get featured on my platforms. I also get regular invitations to be part of collaborations and events, and I’m not gatekeeping anything!
KS & co

A custom visibility plan + group implementation support =

And after 90 days, visibility becomes a habit. It’s just who you are now. 

Ok, now that you’re all excited, let’s make sure we vibe!

Hey, I’m Kelly!

When I’m not running my two girls around to hockey and gymnastics practice, I’m a Visibility Coach and your Fairy Brand-Mother. Also an award-winning marketer and brand strategist (no big deal *hair flip*).


I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2017 following a career in PR, where I climbed that corporate ladder for over 10 years.


Fast forward to now → There’s nothing I love more than being in charge of my own schedule (cuz kids get home from school at 2:30 and have activities at 4 – WTF?)


I lost my mum to breast cancer in 2017, and that triggered a deep awareness of how short life really is. Time is precious, so therefore work must be a source of joy, not drain.


And when I decided to start my business, I knew I wanted to support other entrepreneurs who are passionate about what they do, but just don’t know how to promote themselves in a way that translates into leads, clients and money.


It’s taken years of trial and error to figure out the best way to stand out in a saturated online space, and what it comes down to is building an authentic brand (and I don’t use that buzz word lightly).


So, if you’re this far down the page, then I feel like we click, and I’d love to support you in growing your brand and getting MASSIVE VISIBILITY so you can make your passion-based business an epic success!

KS & co

Put your hand up if…

You’re tired of relying on social media and want visibility strategies that actually align with your strengths and business goals.


You know visibility is key to growth, but you’re not sure where to start or how to stay consistent with it.


You’re launching a new offer or aiming for significant business growth, and you need to build an audience and increase brand awareness fast.


You’re ready to step up as a thought leader in your industry, speaking on stages, guesting on podcasts, and securing media features.


You’ve tried DIYing your visibility but haven’t seen the traction or results you hoped for—and you’re ready for expert guidance and a clear roadmap.


You crave support and accountability from a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who are working toward similar goals.


You want a custom, personalized plan that focuses on YOUR business, audience, and visibility goals—no cookie-cutter strategies here!


You’re committed to taking action, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone, to achieve lasting visibility and business growth.

I SEE YOU and I FEEL YOU! You’re in EXACTLY the right place!

Let’s do it!

This program is designed to help service providers and coaches (with online or offline businesses) build a repeatable visibility plan that consistently brings in hyper-targeted leads so you can grow your audience faster.

Here’s the most exciting part:

The Brand Visibility Accelerator is launching in October 2024 and I’m looking for 5 Founding Members to jump in at 50% off the future price! 

That means, you’ll get everything AND the most personalized support from me for half of what future BVAers will pay. Score!

PLUS- this group will be hand-picked by application only to make sure we create the best experience possible.

To recap, you’re getting:

A Custom Visibility Strategy Built Just for You ($3,000 value)

You’ll work directly with me to create a visibility plan that fits your specific goals, strengths, and business needs. Whether you love speaking at events or want your name in the media, your strategy will be as unique as you are. You don’t need to know how to secure collaborations or pitch to the media—that’s what I’m here for! I’ll guide you every step of the way and teach you exactly how to land those opportunities.

90 Days of Group Implementation Support ($2,000 Value)

Having a plan is great, but implementing that plan is what gets you results. You’ll have 90 days of group support to help you build a visibility habit, practice pitching, brainstorm ideas, and stay accountable. Your group of like-minded business owners will cheer you on, offer feedback, and even open up collaboration opportunities. You’ll also have me by your side for expert guidance and feedback.

Access to My Visibility Toolbox ($500 Value)

You’ll gain access to a full suite of templates, systems, and resources that make implementing your visibility plan easier. Whether it’s email pitches, collaboration proposals, or media outreach, my toolkit has everything you need to confidently take action and track your success.

BONUS: Visibility Amplification Opportunities (PRICELESS!)

As a Founding Member, you’ll have the chance to get visibility through my audience and connections! Whether that’s a feature on my podcast, a shout-out in my email list, or other strategic placements, I’ll help amplify your visibility where it fits best.


Private Voxer Access ($1,000 VALUE)

30 days of private Voxer access to kickstart your visibility journey!

Referral bonuses! (VALUE $500 each)

Receive a 30 minute private “SOS call” for each person you refer. Use these calls to go over anything you’re working on!

50% savings (Value Up to $2,000)

For the first 5 Founding Members joining by October 10, 2024.

That's over $8,000 of value!

So what’s the investment?

Payment Plans

Here to help your cash flow!
JUST 2x $375 USD
  • Save $247 until Oct.3, 2023
  • 2xBONUS group Q&A calls
  • BONUS access to The Visibility Vault

Pay in Full

Best value!
  • Save $300 until Oct.3, 2023
  • 2xBONUS group Q&A calls
  • BONUS access to The Visibility Vault

Founding Member VIP

$3,500 USD
  • 3x Private Monthly Calls
  • 90 Days Private Voxer Support with Material Reviews
  • Custom Visibility Strategy Done For You
  • 90-Day Group for Implementation
  • The Visibility Toolkit
  • BONUS Visibility Amplification Opportunities

Founding Member OG

JUST $2,000 USD
  • Custom Visibility Strategy Done For You
  • 90-Day Group for Implementation
  • The Visibility Toolkit
  • BONUS Visibility Amplification Opportunities
  • BONUS 30 Days Private Voxer Kickstart

Real Results Come from Action—and They Start with You.

Results don’t always show up in the form of a new client tomorrow. They can be as simple as the confidence you build by putting yourself out there. When you take bold action, you start doing hard things—and they become easier over time.

Through the Brand Visibility Accelerator, you’ll:

  • Become more confident in sharing your message and story.
  • Gain clarity on your positioning and audience.
  • Build your authority as a thought leader in your space.
  • Secure visibility opportunities that lead to long-term business growth.


Visibility is a learn-by-doing process. The more you do it, the more opportunities will flow your way, and the ripple effect will carry your brand further than you can imagine.

Prioritizing visibility has changed EVERYTHING in my business.

Since committing to about 10-minutes a day of visibility, I’ve seen amazing results:

  • Multiple media features
  • Top 1% podcast invitations
  • In-person speaking opportunities (like the Podcasting Moms Conference in Nashville!)
  • Over 1,800 new email subscribers in one year!
  • My podcast is now in the top 5% globally
  • Nominated for a Women in Podcasting Award
  • Multiple exciting collaborations coming with people I never thought would know my name!

And my clients are getting great results too!

Real entrepreneurs sharing their feedback

Stacey shares about taking a simple action (like the ones I share in this program) and how it struck up work with a previous client for her!

"Working with Kelly has profoundly transformed my perspective. As an emerging entrepreneur, I encountered challenges in effectively marketing my new venture.

Fearing reliance solely on social media for business growth, I sought alternative approaches.

My confidence as a business owner has soared, as I've come to appreciate that reframing my approach to business promotion fosters adaptability and sustained growth. Gratitude abounds for the invaluable insights and guidance Kelly provided!"
Laura Robb
Founder & Landscape Architectural Technologist, Beauty Through Nature Landscape Design

Don’t Miss your spot in the brand visibility accelerator!

If you’re serious about growing your brand’s visibility and taking your business to the next level, this is your opportunity to do it with expert guidance and a community of supporters by your side.

Claim your spot today, and let’s start building the visibility strategy that will set your business up for success in 2025!

Let me answer your top questions rn

How can I tell if visibility is my biggest problem?

Visibility isn’t just a “nice to have”—it’s the *foundation* of your business success. It’s the first step in the sales cycle. When you’re visible, you attract your ideal audience, nurture them into leads, and ultimately convert those leads into sales. Without visibility, it’s much harder to grow your business.

This program will help you build visibility in ways that directly support your business goals, so you can create a steady flow of opportunities and growth.

I’m worried about putting in effort and not seeing results right away. What kind of results can I expect?

I’m going to be real – anybody who tells you that there’s a shortcut to success is feeding you BS. 

Results come in many forms. While you might not see immediate sales, you’ll notice an increase in awareness, engagement, and interest in your brand. 

More importantly, you’ll gain confidence and clarity around your messaging, positioning, and authority. 

When you do hard things, they become easier over time, and those actions create a ripple effect that leads to long-term success. The visibility you build now will continue to work for you in the months and years to come.

Do I really need help with visibility?

Of course, you can figure it out on your own—but why waste time trying to DIY it when you could have expert guidance, accountability, and a custom strategy designed specifically for your business? Plus, the Brand Visibility Accelerator provides the tools and support you need to take consistent action, so you can get faster, more targeted results without the guesswork.

I’ve never pitched to media or done any collaborations before. Will I know how to do this?

Absolutely! You don’t need any prior experience with pitching or collaborations. I’ll be teaching you step by step how to approach media, podcasts, and collaborations, and you’ll have access to my full toolkit of templates and resources. Whether it’s writing a pitch email or brainstorming partnership ideas, I’ll support you through the entire process.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this?

Visibility doesn’t have to take hours a day. With your custom visibility plan, we’ll map out actions that fit within your schedule. Think 10 minutes per day!

The goal isn’t to overwhelm you but to help you make consistent progress that builds momentum over time. Plus, with the accountability of the group and my guidance, you’ll be supported every step of the way to make sure visibility becomes a natural part of your routine.

When are the calls?

There will be weekly group calls 3x/month for 60 minutes. The timing will be determined based on what works best for the timezones of the group.
Your 1-1 call(s) can be scheduled at your convenience.

Do you have a guarantee?

What I guarantee is that when you show up and do the work, you will see results! And I’m willing to give you 14 days to try it out. Within 14 days from purchase, if you don’t feel like you’ve made progress, and you actually attended the calls and began implementing your plan,  you can get a refund. 

What if I have more questions?

I’m here for you! Just shoot me an email at or DM on IG and we can chat!